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Face masks are a tool utilized for preventing the spread of disease.  The various types of masks are dental, isolation, laser, medical, procedure, or surgical masks. Face masks are loose-fitting masks that cover the nose and mouth, and have ear loops or ties or bands at the back of the head. There are many different brands and they come in different colors. It is important to use a face mask approved by the FDA.


Facemasks help to limit the spread of germs.  When someone talks, coughs, or sneezes they may release tiny droplets into the air that can infect others. If someone is ill a face masks can reduce the toxic germs that the wearer releases and can protect other people from becoming sick.  A face mask also protects the wearer’s nose and mouth from splashes or sprays of body fluids.

#The above written are the uses of face mask it will help us to prevent the spread of viruses from eachother.

Due to COVID-19 it has been mandatory to use face mask whereever you go.But the continues usage of face mask will make negative impacts..Yes it has a darker side too. May even cause death if u use it for a longer time


1.Continous usage of face mask will reduce the amount of OXYGEN content in the Blood. It will reduce thinking capability of humans

2.It will reduce the amount of oxygen in the brain 

3.It will cause weaknesses to your body

4.They can cause disease if not washed

5.It will hurt children under the age of 2 than the other aged people

These are the major DEMERITS of Face mask
Some other Minor DEMERITS are 

1.It will cause skin irritation.
2.They are uncomfortable for longer usage.

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