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Despite growing economic and strategic ties, there are several border issues between India and China. These two countries failed to resolve their border dispute still now! 

India-China conflict happened recently in Galwan valley near ladakh.On Indian side 20 soliders were matryed and regarding China no official report still came from their side. Higher officials of India stated that atleast China have lost 40 soliders on their side.

The land was called as Galwan on the basis of the Galwan river. This crucial land is placed between undrafted area of India - China border. Both the countries planned to attach the place in theirs own map.

In 1889 Galwan river was first discovered by kulam rashool Galwan ( A Ladakhi explorer of Kashmiri descent)who worked as guide for mountain climbers. Since from his Discovery,river is called with his name.

The 2020 INDIA CHINA skirmishes are part of an ongoing military standoff between China and India since 5 May 2020.Chinese and Indian troops have reportedly engaged in aggressive action along the borders. According to  sources, fighting on 16th June 2020 resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers (including an Colonel) and at least 43 Chinese soldiers becoming casualties, 10 Indian soldiers were taken captive and then released by the Chinese on 18 June.India has accused China of reneging on 6 June agreement to restore status-quo and withdraw from the GALWAN Valley and attacking an Indian patrol party. China acknowledged casualties on both sides.Incidents have taken place near the disputed Pangong Lake in Ladak and the Tibet as well as the border between Sikkim and the Tibet Autonomous Region. In addition to these  face-offs are ongoing at locations in eastern Ladakh,which was the result of the 1962war.In mid-June, Chinese forces objected to Indian road construction in the GALWAN River valley.

In addition to these revocation of the special status of Jammu Kashmir in August 2019 triggered,the Chinese government and the Multi National companies to start their Companies in India as a part of MAKE IN INDIA scheme, this made China to Face off against India.

In 1956 a conflict arose between India-China regarding Galwan valley.China claimed that Galwan belongs to them and India refused it.It seems Galwan valley is once again destined to become a flashpoint in the Sino-Indian relationship.China had already occupied Akshaysin(1962), near ladakh.Now China tries to occupy Galwan but india shows their potential towards Galwan valley which is important to the country.

1962 War:
      The Sino-Indian war started on 20 October 1962,the dispute over the Himalayan border was the main cause of the war. There had been a series of violent border problems between the two countries after the 1959 Tibetan uprising.

   The Indian post had been reinforced by a company of troops. The Chinese army bombarded the Indian post with heavy shelling and employed a battalion to attack it. The Indian army suffered 33 killed and several wounded, meanwhile the company commander and several others were taken as prisoners. 


In June 2017 a military standoff occurred between INDIA and CHINA as China attempted to extend a road on the Doklam plateau southwards near the Doka La pass.On 16 June 2017 Chinese troops with construction vehicles and road-building equipment began extending an existing road southward in Doklam, a territory which is claimed by both China as well as India's ally Bhutan.On 18 June 2017, as part of Operation JUNIPER about 270 Indian troops armed with weapons and two bulldozers crossed the Sikkim border into Doklam to stop the Chinese troops from constructing the road.On 28 August, both India and China announced that they had withdrawn all their troops from the site in Doklam.



Countries like India, Philippines and Vietnam have called for a boycott of Chinese goods, as have separatist movements in China itself. A full boycott of Chinese products is considered to be difficult to achieve because of WTO(World Trade Organisation).As the country manufactures a large number of goods that are widely sold and used across the world, and also holds stakes in various non-Chinese companies.Its difficult to boycott Chinese products overall in India. 

#boycottChineseproducts hashtags are going trend in India.

By making this as an opportunity, many other developed countries made their open statement to support India. But we have to think that if a war occurs,then both the nation will have to suffer! INDIA as a developing nation, the war will make a drastical fall in the economic growth. As we are going through serious pandemic it is not good for us to be in part of various other issues.Every Nation should have to think of before getting in action.
         "Give importance to human life"


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