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  After the Mauran empire many small kingdoms arose, during this period of time the Gupta kingdom emerged as one of the greatest power. It featured a strong central government bringing many kingdoms under it's hegemony. Great works in Sanskrit were created during this period. Although some historians proclaim that it was a golden age. During this period Nalantha university was established.


The first ruler of the gupta empire was srigupta(240CE-280CE),next succeeded by his son Ghatoskachan both srigupta and his son known as 'Maharaja'.   

CHANDRA GUPTA :                                                
 He was the first powerful ruler of the gupta dynasty and also known as 'maharajathiraja'.He married kumaradevi of lichavi dynasty and it further improved his empire connection a lot. Mehruli iron inscription shows the achievements of Chandra Gupta. He established panjamandali kuzhu for governing,mentioned in sanchi inscription.

He released gold coins with his wife's insignia and it was called as "DINARS".  

 SAMUDRA GUPTA:                                                        He was appointed as a king in 335 CE. Allahabad inscriptions describes his personality and his achievements were written in 33 lines by Harisena in nagari script. Srilankan ruler Megavarman sent presents and ask permission to bulit a  Buddha monastery at Gaya. He patronise Harisen.  Even though an ardent follower of vaishnavam,he also patronised the great buddist scholar Vasubandhu. He was also known as kaviraja.He is also known as "INDIAN NEPOLIAN".
CHANDRA GUPTA 2 :                                        
He was a capable ruler who ruled for 40 years from 375 CE to 415 CE. He became powerful after a succession struggle with his brother Rama Gupta. He is also known as vikramaditya with the capital place at Pataliputra. He married off his daughter prabavathi to a vakataka prince to enlarge his kingdom. He established navarathna court which contains poet,scholar,physican etc. He was the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins. Kumara Gupta son of Chandra Gupta 2 was a successful king after him.      Kumara Gupta who founded the nalanatha university.He is also called as sakraditya.

DECLINE :                                                                   The Guptan empire declined after the death of skandha Gupta in 467 CE. During his period 'Huns' from central Asian invaded North India.He successfully resisted the Huns but it drained his treasures. His successors hasted the end of the Guptan empire. The last recognized king of the Gupta line was Vishnu Gupta who reigned 540 to 550CE 

ADMINISTRATION:                                            The Gupta king was assisted by council of mantris,which known as sabha.High ranking officials were called dandanayakas and maghadhandanayaks posts were herditary by nature. Governors were called as uparikas.The sanchi inscription of the time of Chandra Gupta 2 mentions the panchmandali which may have been a cooperate body. The word 'Senapathi' does not used in Gupta inscriptions. The ayuktakas were another cadre of high ranking officers. Khilla was the tax which is collected on waste lands. Two kind of dykes where used for irrigation. Bali was the voluntary tax which was collected from people. Sresti and sathavah were traders in guptas period.                             

LITERARYSOURCES :              
Kamandaka's nithisara a work on policy addressed to the king.                Devichandraguptam and mudrarakshasam by vishakadutta provide details about the raise of the guptas.                                           Paharpur copper plate inscriptions indicate that the king was the sole proprietor of the land.
The mural paintings of this period are found at Ajantha and ellora caves. Paintings of Ajantha are not frescoes,for it is painted while the plaster is still damp and murals of Ajantha were made after it had set.                                                           

Monolith iron pillar has lasted through the centuries without rusting which indicates metallurgy knowledge of the ancient Indian people.                                                          
Two remarkable examples of Gupta's metal sculpture are  a copper image of bhuddha about 18 feet height at Nalantha in Bihar and the Sultanghanji bhuddha of 7.5 feet in height.                                                  


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