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     The most deadly Outbreaks in the world.     
Recently COVID 19 which changed the whole world, like these there are so many Epidemic and PANDEMIC that outbreaked in world, which wipped out the human population.

[EPIDEMIC refers to a disease spreading rapidly within a certain region or area PANDEMIC refers to a disease with global spread.]

The deadliest Outbreaks:



    This is most commonly known as SPANISH FLU Of 1919.This PANDEMIC is caused by the H1N1 Influenza A virus.This virus lasted for nearly 15months and wipped about 50million Human population from the world wide and about 500million affected.From 1918 February-1919 April.The death is caused by the  triggering overreaction of the body's immune system (cytokine storm) which ravages the stronger immune system of young adults.There are were three stages in this Spanish flu (1) first wave in the spring of 1918 (2) Second one is the deadly which gained millions of life's (3)Third wave 1919.The flu is named as SPANISH FLU because  The man-made horrors of World war in 1918 were finally starting to wind down Nature unleashed the deadliest strain of influenza in the world. The virus infected more than 40% of the global population over the next 18 months. The pandemic’s grasp stretched from the United States and Europe to the remote reaches of Greenland and the Pacific islands. Its victims included the likes of Woodrow Wilson ( 28th U.SPresident ) who contracted it while negotiating the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.As the pandemic reached epic proportions in the  SPANISH it became commonly known as the “SPANISH FLU" or the “Spanish Lady” in the United States and Europe. New Zealand,Tonga,Fiji,Nauru, Ireland, China, Japan, India, USA, are some of the affected areas.

The flu pandemic of 1957 originated in birds from the virus  H2N2 influenza A strain.Originated from China(Guizhou) Around 1.1 million people died by this pandemic.The regions that got affected by this virus are Yunnan, Hong Kong, Taiwan,India, United States,Newyork.


The 1968 flu pandemic is also called the “Hong Kong flu” was caused by an H3N2 influenza A virus from birds. About 1 million people died worldwide.


HIV image

Since the 1980s, 75 million people have been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV and more than 32 million have died. HIV weakens the immune system by destroying cells that fight diseases and infections. The virus originated from  Central Africa during 1800's.

The current report says that approximately 37.9 million people across the globe with HIV/AIDS in 2018. Of these, 36.2 million were adults and 1.7 million were children.(lesser than 15yrs old).India has the  3rd largest epidemic in the world. Scientist's don’t yet have a reliable cure for HIV. However, the virus can be controlled through antiretroviral therapy.

2002-2003 SARS outbreak

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) probably originated in bats, and first started spreading in Asia. SARS has been in the news lately due to its similarities to COVID-19 because both of the  viruses come from the coronavirus family.

2009 flu pandemic

The swine flu which originated in the U.S mostly affected children and younger adults. Younger people didn’t have immunity, to earlier strains of H1N1 with echoes of this influenza virus known as H1N1 pdm09. About 60.8 million cases where reported in 2018-2019.

2012 MERS  

Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a member of the coronavirus family of viruses. WHO had confirmed about 2,500 cases of MERS and 861 deaths as of December 2019. The virus probably originated from bats.

2014 EBOLA


One of the most deadly epidemic that caused a huge Outbreak in West Africa.Cases of Ebola virus have been documented as far back as the 1970s, The outbreak began in the forests of southeastern Guinea and spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The fatality rate for Ebola is much higher than for influenza.In that outbreak alone 11,308(39%) people died.

2018 NIPAH


 The Nipah virus is a type of RNA virus in the genus Henipavirus.The virus normally circulates among specific types of fruits bats.It can easily spread people from direct contact from animals. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and confirmed by laboratory testing.

Prevention is by avoiding exposure to bats and sick pigs. In May 2018 about 700 human cases where reported and 50 to 75 percent of those who were infected died.

The disease was first identified in Malaysia (1998) by faculty of medicine in Malaya university.It is named after a village in Malaysia, SUNGAI NIPAH. Pigs may also be infected and millions were killed by Malaysian authorities in 1999 to stop the spread of disease, which has proven to be successful.


   Fever, Headache, drowsiness followed by disorientation and mental confusion.Symptoms can progress into come as fast as in 24–48 hours.


diagnosis of Nipah virus infection is made using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)from,throat,swabs, cerebrospinalfluid urine and blood analysis.


  The risk of exposure is high for hospital workers and caretakers of those infected with the virus.


  There is no effective treatment for the disease.The infection can be prevented by avoiding exposure to bats in endemic areas and sick pigs. 

2019 COVID 


 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an deadly infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Syndrome Respiratory (SARS-CoV-2).It was first identified in December 2019 in wuhan, China.first case reported on Nov 17 2019.


*Persistent cough (usually dry)
*Shortness of breath
*loss of smell
*sometimes no symptoms*

The virus is primarily spread by close contact most often via small droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, and talking.Less commonly people may get infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their face.It is most contagious during the first three days after the onset of symptoms.The method of diagnosis includes real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) ,chest imaging.

Preventions include:
 *Social distancing
 *Frequent handwashing
 *Covering face openings
 *Avoid unnecessary travels

 A total of about 3%,where it gets affected quickly to the older ones and other disease patients.



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