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What to do? if you get contact with someone who tested positive for corona virus!

If you came across a affected one!........

​"Self-quarantine for 14 days"

First step is to  stay in home for self quarantine for 14 days.Coronavirus symptoms may take 5 to 14 days to appear. So self-isolate yourself at home for this period of time. Do not make any contact with anyone. 

If you live alone then ask your friends and family to drop essential items at your doorstep. Avodi visitors in your home.

Monitor your symptoms:

If Primary Symptoms of coronavirus like fever, shortness of breath, cough, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, diarrhoea, and muscle ache if soo, then contact your doctor. 

Make sure the people living with you self-isolate until you’ve been tested and received your result.

Get yourself tested

Confirm yourself if you have coronavirus. It is advisable to contact your doctor,most of the time testing is not available without a doctor's prescription.

Continue to stay in quarantine until you get the result. If you test positive then self-isolate and contact your doctor. If you do not develop any symptoms or test negative, then you can stop self-isolating after 14 days.

Inform others you have met

If you haven't developed any symptoms or haven't got yourself tested, it is important to let others know that you came in contact with an infected person. 

It is good to inform other's that you've been exposed to the virus. If you got infected then chances are they may have been exposed too. If you do not develop any symptoms, then there is no need for your contacts to get tested.


When you get isolated, get healthy foods and take the medicine provided by the medical representatives.The foods that are rich in vitamin D & vitamin C.The better you care the better you will be safe.

Our point of view:

Don't try to  blame the affected people, knowingly no one will try to spread the virus.

 ************ Care=Safe*********

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