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We recently celebrated environmental day on June 5. On this year it is meaningful to celebrate the day due to COVID 19. On one side COVID 19  registered total 2,36,047 cases including 1,16,258 active cases and 6647 deaths in India,recently reported today by human resources department ministry. On other side it changed enitre environment of the world also effect India's too. Nature is enitrely different after COVID 19 , it changed positively(benefitable), reports summited by environmentalists, shocked the enitire world. Let's see what happened to India's enironment.


Delhi is most polluted city in India by WHO( world health oraganization),it is the condition before COVID 19 . This pandemic causes lockdown in all over India, all the factories, transport vechicles and other pollution causing industries. Air pollution reduced and comes under breathable level.Poisoning agents in atmosphere decreases, quality of air has been improving since the attack of COVID 19. Federal pollution control board reported a marked level improvement in air quality levels in 85 cities in India.


As a result of pollution drop , incredible sight of Punjab is start to visible to people from Jalandhar in Punjab district. The peaks which are over 120 miles away ,had not been sighted on Punjab.This greatest view is visible after three decades and shows indication that, how people and their industrialization affects breathable air. From last three decades Industries in Punjab increased in great maner.This even made the environment more pollute,but now as a result of lock down the condition improved in strategic maner. 


Ganga river changed enough for drinking purpose results released by Indian institute of technology,Rookie.Due to lock down chemicals from factories and wastes deposited in river reduced, it makes river clean and pure.
Bureau of Indian standards decalred it is fit for drinking after testing the water in 28 parameters.


 Many municipalities and punchayats developed based on the cleaness level . People's activities outside was completely resisted due to pandemic that controls Wastes and plastics deposited in streets and river beds . Government has taken control measurements and schemes to control pollution of the country doesn't effect in useful manner but today COVID 19 changed the entire scenario.

Lockdown improved communication between families,it helped to renovate it's bonding after long period via emails and phone calls. Basically humans are very busy within their schedules and tensed on daily routines.Today they overcome these tensed conditions and are happy with their families. Unwanted expenses completely wiped off, people spend money only for needs. personal hygiene also improved due to threat of COVID 19.


Drop in crime rates has also been witnessed across the country during these times. A sharp reduction of 42% in crime rates reported in capital Delhi. Vehicle thefts are completely controlled.


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