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The Gilgit-Baltistan is a rocky region with sparse vegetation situated in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). The area has a low population of around less than 20 lakh peoples.


The recent bone of contention over this region is due to the court order by the supreme court of Pakistan allowing the Pakistan government to conduct elections in this region. Pakistan is planning to make the Gilgit-Baltistan region as its fifth province.


This region has low economic interests but huge strategic and geopolitical importance due to

*)Through this region Indian mainland is connected to Afghanistan. Considering the recent withdrawal of the US peace keeping force from the Afghan soil the control of this region is vital for India.

*)The Karakorum pass which connects China and Pakistan is situated here.

*)China's ambitious project CPEC (China-Pakistan economic corridor) which connects the Kashgar province of China to the Gwadar port in Pakistan is through this region.


*)China doesn't want to invest a lump sum of 46 billion dollars for CPEC in a disputed area as it affects china's credibility in this project

*)Diplomatic experts believe that through making the Gilgit region as its province Pakistan is trying to make some sort of conclusions to the Kashmir issue.In other words by taking the region under it's control and giving the region of the rest of Kashmir under India's control

*)The third reason is the so called 'MODI FACTOR'. Prime minister Modi has said that he got letters from the people residing in Gilgit-Baltistan region and he has asked the world to look into the human rights violation taking place in this region.


India has given a strong message to Pakistan by releasing the weather forecasts and also by creating a twitter ID for this region. India feels that CPEC is a direct threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Further India has asked Pakistan to vacate from this region.


Considering the security threats over this region and its importance in national security it is high time for India to have a solution for this region either through diplomatic talks or by military intervention.


  1. Hmmm

    Something which needs to be looked into high priority and seriousness

  2. A bit complicated issue told in a very lucid manner... way to go👍👍👍👍👍

  3. Bro, I have one doubt.They are conducting elections in their land, then what's the issue bro.

    1. The entire POK is an integral part of India, Pakistan has forcibly occupied that region.

    2. Gud information .. keep it up

    3. This area was never merged into Pakistan as it is linked to J&K and hence controversial and Pak always wanted to acquire it as a whole Kashmir by UN involvement. That's why no elections were held still. Now, Pak is playing it wise as they might have lost hope in Kashmir and trying to hold back balutistan atleast

    4. Then What about article 370 and 35A.

  4. Good one... There is a lot of history involved without which this context is incomplete... But well tried


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